
Chapter 2, Teaser

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There was a dull sound and a Councillor, dressed all in black, stepped through the open doorway.

“A good day my Queen!” and she took a bow.

Ruoma stood up slowly and leaned her back on the cold bed rest. The contact awakened her a little. She lifted her left hand in a welcoming, yet regal gesture to the Chancellor Superior.

“Your breakfast is served” and the woman placed a large silvery tray on the bed, in front of the Queen. A pearly recifomina bowl of greenish pasta, a glass of pure water and a small recifomina plate with a couple of ocean flower candies were the only items on the tray.

Chapter 1, Teaser

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The air was sharp cold with a taste of smoke. Every breath was heavy, almost painful and the smell of burned rubber and metal was becoming more intense. The room was dark with a long glass wall uncovering the night outside. The green of the water was reflecting through the thick glass in broken lines, like a satin veil fluttering in the wind. Silence. Not even her breathing was interrupting the serenity of the large empty room with a pile of wires, metal & torn silicone lying scrambled on the white marble floor. The green shimmers of the water were reflecting from the glass wall onto her wide sharp blade and then from there onto her pale lilac skin making the sweat look like drops of ocean water.