
Coincidence, memory or premonition?

on .

In 1991, at the age of 13, inspired by my father's passion of discovering the sky and my cousin's feminist views of how the world should work, I started writing my second novel called "Inceputul Sfarsitului" (The Beginning of the End). I came up with various charts of a new solar system in the Lyra constellation and even though I had no knowledge of astronomy, I tried my best to come up with a realistic new world/worlds for my story.
This story included two planets in the same solar system, called Demar and Garin. The solar system had two suns, Vega 1 and Vega 2 (I would later change this in my notes to one sun, for future editing of the first chapters). Planet Demar was a water world, populated by one race of only female Neronians (the Deadly Sirens) an advanced race. The second planet, Garin, was more Earth-like and it was populated by an equality advanced species of male and female Garians.

After publishing a few chapters in Romania between 1996 and 1998, I changed it’s name to Lyra 7 – The Beginning of the End (because of the 7 main planets I was using in the storyline), but then stopped working on this novel in 1999. I continued to add ideas to a list in hope that I may one day (sooner rather than later) finish it and have it published as it was intended, a best-selling novel. I also had hopes that it may one day become a movie and then, eventually, an online multiplayer game (as I have noted a few times in my diaries along the years).

My husband, Michael, has tried numerous times to inspire and convince me to finish with book, to no avail.

On the 24th of April 2013, my mother brings to my attention a piece of newspaper from The Epoch Times (a Queensland publication), with an article named “Astronomers find two ‘best candidates’ Earth-like planets”. The discovery of Kepler-62e (a water world) and Kepler-62f (very much like Earth) in the Lyra constellation took me by surprise. Needless to say, I was in utter shock whilst reading the article, not believing the similarities between the NASA discovery on the 18th of April 2013 and the ideas in my book from 1991.

This got my blood boiling and my artistic juices flowing again. Was THIS the “inspiration”, or the “push” I was waiting for? I had to finish my book. I had to publish it and make it a world-wide success before even more startling discoveries were made about these planets (like the possibility that there might be life on them, or even advanced civilizations like the ones described in my novel).

To add even more fuel to the revived fire in me, Budget Direct (an insurance company) decides to run an advertising campaign featuring two aliens from the Lyra constellation, shortly after the NASA announcement. Now everyone (in Queensland Australia) knows about Lyra.

I will continue to develop and write this book as often as I possibly can (every day I hope) and endeavour to have it ready for publishing within a year or two. I will post chapters on my website, Facebook and Twitter and I might even accept suggestions from any early readers/fans.


My daughter was born on the 3rd of March 2013 and was named Lyra.